The Mind of WebbWoman

Hello! Look for future posts about my "observations" Lord knows I am always making observations, movie reviews, whenever I see a movie I want to talk about, or I may just vent my frustrations...who knows?

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Good Golly Miss Molly!

Webb's Hill has been dog free for a number of years following the passing of the Late Great Pete and Hunter the dog went to Doggie Heaven not too long afterward.

We'd discussed going to the Animal Shelter and adopting a dog but never got around to it. Then last Friday, August 19,we looked out the back door and saw this:


She was was very skinny, I was wondering how long it had been since she'd had a meal. Her backbone and ribs were sticking out. She looked so bad it broke my heart.



She was also as starved for affection as for food. She seemed to be starved for human contact. She couldn't get enough of being rubbed and scratched. I believe someone could scratch her 24/7 and she wouldn't object.



I posted her pics on my facebook page hoping someone would recognize her. One of my friends told me about one of our neighbors flagging her down asking if anyone had seen her very friendly bulldog. My first thought was "How long had she been missing? She's skin and bones!"

Then a fellow at church the following Sunday told me a story about how he and his buddies were fishing in a community about five to seven miles away from our home when he heard a lady shouting "It's a pit bull! Someone please come shoot it! It's going to kill us all!" (That was a dramatization, not a direct quote) Well he and his buddies loaded up in search of this dangerous beast that was terrorizing the whole village. When they got there the above dog met them and nearly licked them to death. There was no way this was a dangerous dog. They loaded her up and drove around the area asking people if they were missing a dog. Nobody claimed her so they did like any bunch of good-ole-boys would do: they dropped her off in the woods nearby us. (why they didn't take her to the Animal Shelter I have no idea)

Well I was in a quandary....if she was dropped off here by the Fishermen Three, how could she belong to my neighbor? We visited the neighbor a few times and never found her at home.

Meanwhile she was happily living here with us, savoring all the love and attention she could get from us. Try as I might, I couldn't help but get attached.



Well this morning we were able to solve most of the mystery. We were able to speak with our neighbor and discovered the dog she was missing was an English Bulldog. Our girl appears to be an American Bulldog. (lots of difference in height not to mention all other appearance) Her dog has been missing about two weeks and she fears the dog had been stolen. Hers was very friendly as well.

We brought her to a nearby veterinarian who weighed and looked at her. She does not have a microchip implanted. She did not recognize her. (The trip to the Vet would make a humorous post in itself)

Anyway looks like we've got us a dog. We named her Molly B. AKA Miss Molly.

