The Mind of WebbWoman

Hello! Look for future posts about my "observations" Lord knows I am always making observations, movie reviews, whenever I see a movie I want to talk about, or I may just vent my frustrations...who knows?

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

For the Benefit of Our Friends in the Frozen North...

If you look up and see this in the sky, don't panic.


There is no need to call Project Bluebook and report a UFO. It's the SUN. It's not going to hurt you, it's perfectly natural to be up in the sky like that. If you take the time and dig through your memory I'm sure something about a big warm light in the sky giving off heat and maybe even causing a sunburn. Yep, it's supposed to be there.

Anyway we've been blessed with some nice sunny days here in Dixie and I thought I'd bring my camera along with me on my morning jaunt so I could share it with those still frozen.Hope you enjoy.

Some of the woods behind my house:



Mom & Dad's pond...




Finally, my humble abode.



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